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Friday, February 22, 2013

Metaphysical Lego: Dr. Kenn Gordon

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Dr. Kenn Gordon's Presentation

Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living

(Rough notes, not intended to be a complete representation of Dr. Kenn’s message. Presented here only to give those not in attendance a taste of what is happening at the Conference. Please get the audio recording for a complete representation and forgive over simplification.)
Metaphysical Lego

Our coming together as two movements over the last year has been like a big box of Lego that has no instructions. We know all the pieces are there, but we don’t have a picture or an instructions manual. All we have our founding principles. We’ve been designing for a year how all the parts fit and we know all the pieces need to fit, we have to find a place for everything to fit. It is multi-dimensional. We are building a chalice, a container, which is the physical part of what we are doing. We also have the multidimensional task of filling the inside.

The important part is that inner peace. The outer part is important, it represents the vehicle to get us there, but there isn’t any point in going anywhere if we don’t have the inside part handled. The inner part is what makes the outer part valuable. To recognize that the only reason we allow our soul to shrivel is that we are frightened to let go of something else. I look into myself to discover where my fear resides…. If I don’t help the directors build the outer structure it will fall apart and go away.

So what. The content is what counts.

We get preoccupied with the form and forget that consciousness runs things, not form. Soul is the meaning of it and that is where we come from. That was my first aha.

The second I received at the Ministerial Student’s Panels – Dr. Edward was asked “How do you deal with the things that go on at your Center> He answered, I go within and remind myself that it’s only a church, and the situation is not going to be the end of the world. It’s only an organization, it’s the content that counts, you and I, the consciousness that resides in there that counts. The form doesn't matter. We know this, that form comes from consciousness. We build our lives from consciousness. I get trapped like everyone else, I get torn out to deal with the form and it shrivels us to do that. It has to be done, we know that, but I chose to keep ever present in my mind that it is form, that consciousness is what counts. It is the attitude within us that counts. We don’t need to heckle each other, we can communicate form a sacred space. We are this evolving edge that Jim Walker talked about, the evolving edge is moving ever forward, some of us are lagging, some keeping up and some on the cutting edge. If the consciousness on the leading edge gets too far from the trailing edge then there is no communication and that is what is happening in our government in the US today. There is such a distance that the understanding cannot be appreciated form one end to the other.
We can chose to move forward together even if it is somewhat of a stretch to do so, but to remember that it is only form and that our consciousness goes ahead of us and it doesn’t need to be the leading edge against the trailing edge. We cannot do it if we separate from each other, and form is what we fragment back off of.

I don’t care about the minutiae, I chose not to spend my time to focus on that. I am not going to do that anymore. This organization is set in treatment it will grow and expand according to that treatment, if we fall back to the trailing end then we will have a trailing end organization.

We will always be in the situation of having directors figuring out how to put together the pieces of Lego and bless them they are doing a great job. We cannot afford to take our eye off the content because we will lose our vision and get set in what we are looking at.

The problem with humanity today is that they are so focused on the path that they lose sight that there is a destination, so the path becomes the value. We must be a movement that keeps our eye on the destination. We must operate from our hearts and souls and let that pull us forward as opposed to letting form hold us in place. If we become so isolated and insular that we cannot look up at the destination, our souls will shrivel.
Our Organizational Design Model has shared values and shared goals, and it is a brilliant piece of work and we need to apply it in our heart and it will show up in form. This is the answer for us. It is the only answer we have. We are a spiritual movement we are not a structure. As a spiritual movement we have to keep moving and we have to keep moving somewhere so we do one step after another. And when we fail and we will what we must do is go aback and remember the vision and purpose. We can’t get stuck.

I know that in my lifetime we will see a world that works for everyone. We can’t be distracted by form. We have a great work, and we cannot afford to come down.

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