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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

World Events, Privilege, Vision and Consciousness with Edward Viljoen, author of Ordinary Goodness

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This week’s topic is “Your Biggest Victim: You.” We are considering how we treat ourselves in the privacy of our own minds. Think about how you talk to yourself when you make a misstep. If there is any room for softening your words or developing a more compassionate approach, then commit to that this week. Ernest Holmes wrote in The Science of Mind (page 438) these wonderful words about developing a forgiving attitude: “What untold grief of heart might be relieved by words of cheer and forgiveness.” Each of us has the ability to take the first step toward establishing a consciousness of friendliness, not only with other people, but also with ourselves.

However, this week, I am not talking about the assigned topic in the video presentation.  Instead, I'm talking about the events taking place in our nation and attempting to understand them in the context of vision, privilege and consciousness.

Join me in affirming this week, “I choose to have peace of mind as my only goal. I choose to be an instrument of peace, love, and forgiveness.”

I invite you to join me in affirming this idea and posting it on the social media of your choice. If you have done so, I would love to hear from you about the results. You can email me at edward@cslsr.org. I’d love to hear from you.

Remember to tag your affirmation with the tags #TheGlobalVision and #AWorldThatWorksForEveryone

Warm regards,

Edward Viljoen

Coming on January 3, 2016, Ordinary Goodness, my new book.  Available now on Amazon for pre-order here:

Ordinary Goodness

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